Discussion (5) ¬

  1. “May you live in interesting times!” Wishing peace, quiet, freedom and safety to Mr. Snowden, and to all of us. “The world needs a wash and a week’s rest.” – W. H. Auden. – Oh! and meanwhile, lovely page. Hoping that Nolte never feels the need to sink his teeth, human or otherwise, into our poor Luther over family matters. We still don’t know if her other beaux that Nolte discovered were terminated strictly in an employment sense, though one wishes to think the very best of him.

    • Glad you liked it! As for Nolte, uh, well…

  2. “Ehn?” sounds French–oui? Also, if I may, @despicablemusic: this is a a most intriguing handle.

  3. “Ehn?” sounds French–oui?

  4. Angry peppy leftie crooner me. Art is well and good but you have Dylan to provide that, meanwhile a propagandist’s love is a very special kind of love: http://www.despicablemusic.org.